Reunion Update/Survey

Hello Classmates - we hope this message finds you all doing well. It's hard to imagine that it's been an entire year since all this madness began. A lot of us are beginning to receive the Covid vaccination(s) which opens up a lot of areas of our lives that we've been restricted from. I suspect there will be a lot of traveling this Spring and Summer with lots of family/friend reunions.

Our committee has been messaging about continuing our plans for the reunion in September; do we continue with our plans or postpone again or even cancel? At this time Illinois restaurants are not open to 100% capacity however we're hopeful that will change by September.

The decision was made to put this survey out to get the opinion and thoughts of the majority before we go forward.  Please answer the following questions and add any comments that may be beneficial to our decision-making.


Your Reunion Committee

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

* Answer Required
1)   * Are you planning on attending the reunion the weekend of September 10-11? Friday night at Genesee Theater and Saturday night Glen Flora Country Club.

Yes No
2)   * If you answered yes, what other activities will you participate in? Thursday at Quonset

Yes No
3)   * Friday morning breakfast/brunch (location tbd)?

Yes No
4)   * Friday and/or Saturday golf outing (course TBD)?

Yes No
5)   * Friday daytime tour of Genesee Theatre?

Yes No
6)   Any additional thoughts/comments?